That is a little how I feel right now. I don’t know that I’ve ever watched the whole
movie through, but it is an old Jack Nicolson movie from the mid 1970’s—I
really don’t even remember much about that time since I was just a wee little
one at that time, but I’m pretty sure it’s about a guy in a nut house who is
either pretending to or is going crazy—that is how my wife and I feel at times
and how we are sure a lot of people see us everyday.
My wife went with some roommates (old college roommates) for
a little reunion—she talked to all of them about what we are dealing with and I
think she got the “bat crap crazy” whisper vibe from most of them. While they were eating a pregnant friend of
hers said something like: “ooh, I feel like a jelly donut right now… don’t
you?” When she told me about that I
wasn’t sure if she was just being pregnant or if she was implicitly giving my
wife a hard time—her friend had the perfect out because she is pregnant and has
all those types of cravings anyway. She
still had a great time.
A pretty good day for me today, but a better day for my
wife—it’s funny still that we have switched places and I am feeling worse while
she is feeling better. I analyzed my
mid-way point about a week ago and felt really, really good; but what’s funny
is the progress of my wife is made more and more clear. She is as even keeled as they come but there
are times where her emotions typically get the better of her.
I keep waiting for one of those moments to come and it
doesn’t. As we were reviewing progress
today with a checklist we filled out at the beginning my wife got to mood and
anxiety and mentioned that she felt much better (I sure mentioned she was doing
better), but she had only written down a 3 out of 10 possible from before. When I saw that I opened my big mouth and
said something like: “Oh sweetie, you were probably an 8 or 9 before beginning
this (not having seen what she had written down at the beginning).
I thought for sure one of the swings would come for sure
after that comment but it didn’t and in fact she let it blow over as I was
almost sweating bullets just for thinking the thought let alone sharing it with
her. While I feel like I have slid back
downhill a little in the last few days after looking at the list of symptoms
and rating them I still feel like I am doing much better and know my wife is
doing much better for sure.
The day was pretty good—we had to cut out all dairy about 7
days ago and cut out all meats the other day and are getting ready to start the
cleanse tomorrow. The cleanse being our
favorite mixture of pure maple syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice (again…
pure) and distilled water—and we do this for at least 3 days! I’m hoping that I have as much energy as last
time and that my wife feels the benefits this time too.
Breakfast was steel-cut oats with stevia and cinnamon as
well as our loaded green drink—since we are cleansing tomorrow I had a lot of
kale and spinach to juice, which together is really strong stuff! I also added a lot of ginger and lemon mixed
with lime juice, celery, a ton of romaine lettuce but no distilled water—there
was plenty without adding any water.
My wife was gone with her roomies for a while so it was out
on the town with my boys—trip to Costco for a couple bags of lemons and then
onto a local supermarket to check out the deals, lunch was a medley of the
vegetables that are left—kale, green onion, spinach and celery cooked in
coconut oil, lemon juice, basil and sea salt.
All this was mixed with black beans and then put over a good amount of
quinoa—very very good!
More errands and then dinner: Rest of the vegetables same as
lunch but we added red, yellow and orange peppers and then mixed the quinoa
with the food with all the same spices but no black beans. We had our Cacao-Pow—since we make it
slightly different each time I will say we used: avocado, almond milk, cacao
powder, maca root powder, hemp hearts, one scoop of the M’Lis Powder and what
was left of our stevia—guess we’ll be picking up some more before the cleanse
is done!
Sat in the sauna for the first time in almost 1 week—I think
we hesitated a little after seeing our last month power bill which was very
high for the area and for us, but we’ve decided the sauna is worth the cost for
now, it seems to help!
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