Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 40 – I’d have to Kick My Own Butt!

It’s true… if I ran into myself (today’s self) 5 years ago my 5 year ago self probably would have kicked my butt (you may have to read that more than once to get it, but I assure you it makes sense—or at least it does to me).  I am 40 days into a diet that consists of virtually no sugar (since January 1st with no refined sugars)—not in my lifetime would I have pictured myself doing what I’m doing now.  The craziest thing is it’s not the craziest part of the story.  I’m ready to push this diet beyond the 60 days I initially intended and am… dare I say… OK with it!?!?  WHAT!

The cleanse days are the easiest to write about since our food is a steady stream of the same liquid all day every day for 3 or 4 days.  Freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 ½ cups to be exact) mixed with 2 quarts distilled water and ¾ cups of All Natural Maple Syrup with no added sugar (evidently grade B is the best to use or at least that is according to the Belly Fit Club) which is what we are using today thanks to Trader Joe’s.

Each of us—my wife and me—have to drink the whole concoction as well as drink half our weight (in ounces not pounds) of water as well.  We also take a few of the M’Lis herbs to help through the process, but not the entire shebang (30 pills at one sitting and then a few through the day and then 30 more at night).

Our twice daily regiment

Church was great and we almost made it on time—although we were still 2 minutes late—but it doesn’t seem to matter how quickly we get ready in the morning we are always walking in just past the time church is suppose to start.  Our 8 year old is beginning to pay attention and made the comment recently: “we are just late to everything.”  I think we are going to have to change that.

My wife is doing much better this cleanse than she was during our cleanse about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  Last time she ran a temperature of at least 101 or 102 and it was as high as 103.5, this time she is doing great but still has yet to see the energy kick in.  I started feeling the energy kick in after our 3 hour Sunday afternoon nap (nothing quite the same as a Sunday afternoon nap!).  It’s also nice that our boys are old enough to entertain themselves during this time… although our iPads seem to help quite a bit.

Not a lot to report other than energy is up and things are feeling great—meaning I think there is more movement in my sinuses than I remember in the last week or so.  Oh, I was also going to mention that we found out you can use coconut oil to brush your teeth (a great mixture is to mix it with baking soda [just make sure the coconut oil is fit for consumption and melted to a complete liquid] at least according to who knew?

We had not—up until tonight—considered brushing our teeth with any different toothpaste or substance other than the regular brands we have been using.  It crossed our minds a few times but tonight we’ve decided that if some of the foods we eat can negatively impact our health then our toothpaste must be a possibility as well… HOLY COW! We have gone bat crap crazy!

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