Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 55 – The Reason Most People Fail is Because They Don’t Realize How Close to Success they were when They Gave up.

This is a great quote (or at least close to it) by Thomas Edison.  My wife reminded me about it yesterday when we were talking about how difficult what we are doing is.  I think I bore my frustrations with the stagnant nature of my progress right now as well as the unbelievably strong cravings I’ve had in the last few days especially.  I know I feel better than I did when I started but to still have the ringing in my ears as well as some of the other symptoms is extremely frustrating.  When she shared this quote with me it helped re-ignite my desire to continue what I promised I would do.

Breakfast was just our standard juice and made a little extra for my mother-in-law.  She has been in Hawaii for 7 days and has not had any juice for longer than that.  I remember thinking that it was pretty strong but she felt absolutely floored by the bitterness of the juice—then I realized I put a whole extra lemon in it and not a lot of other items so it was pretty bitter.  I guess my tastes are really changing because I couldn’t tell at all.

I had eggs and toast for a mid-morning snack (toast from our Almond Flour Brown Rice Flour Bread).  For lunch it was leftover spaghetti and some salad—I love the spaghetti.  We had more sauce so we decided that my wife and I would have more spaghetti for dinner but let our kids have a totino’s pizza (we are horrible parents).  I have to remind myself… baby steps… we do want to try to let them choose to eat healthy (at least within reason).

Today was just OK because of the frustration I’ve felt, but we did have a great family night and then a fun trip to Costco (which is a real treat for our kids).  Very late night but good (we sat in the sauna for about 30 minutes).  Sorry for the randomness of the post just a quick one tonight!

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