Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 57 - Looking Back at Where I've Been

Anyway... today was a pretty good day.  It is still funny because I felt better today than my wife did (we still have a hard time being in sync, although we have both had a number of good days together).  My wife has been struggling with an extreemly sore neck--she is convinced it is more sore than before we started this cleanse.  I think that's possible, but that it is more likely that she just doesn't remember how it use to feel.

Breakfast was really fast (I had to get my 8 year old to a Dentist Appt. my 7:45) so we just had a Cacao Pow made with Almond Milk (from Trader Joe's which is much better than anywhere else we've got it).  So almond milk, cacao, maka powder, hemp hearts and stevia (we aren't convinced stevia actually is causing bloating so we are trying it again).  I also made a quinoa millet mush (with 1/2 cup of quinoa, 1/4 cup of millet and 2 1/2 cups of water) then blended it all together on the Smoothie setting in our blend tec.

We didn't do a juice because we were so far behind in getting out of there.  The dentist was great!  My 8 year old was a little nervous but did pretty good at just sitting in the chair.  The dentist had to fix his front tooth he had cracked earlier.  He was able to put a permanent one on this time so we should only have to worry about it at the 6 month appointments now.  After talking to the Dentist this morning I also decided I'm going to replace all my Mercury fillings from many years ago.

I had been hesitant up to this point because I am deathly afraid of needles (OK... not deathly, but I sure don't like them).  I also don't like that the last time I had a feeling replaced (about 15 or so years ago) the dentist could not numb me all the way So I lived with the feeling of biting on tinfoil the whole time he drilled on my tooth that day--since then I've been nervous.  Anyway... we'll see how tomorrow goes?!?

Lunch was a big salad, with leftover potatoes and broccoli covered with 2 fried eggs--really quick because I had to get my son to pre-school.  The afternoon felt more busy than it was.  I ended up talking to a programmer about a legal issue--helping him with the hopes he will help me, it's funny the things some companies try to get their employees to do or papers they try to get them to sign--needless to say I hope he was glad he called me.

My wife had her class tonight form 4pm to 8pm so I picked up the boys and we made a quick wal-mart run.  I decided I would make spaghetti for us tonight, but knew it would be a little late for the boys so I did let them get McDonald's Happy Meals--I know, I know, I'm a horrible parent but again, baby steps.  I also bought the new Disney Movie "Wreck it Ralph" so I let them eat their Happy Meals and then watch the movie.  I had to get stuff done so I couldn't watch it yet but they must have had a good time because I didn't see them until it was over.

Spaghetti was good although I had a little spacey moment while I was sprinkling on the Oregano so I had WAY too much oregano... I thought it was still good, but I barley got my boys to eat any of the spaghetti I made them.  My wife's class went clear until 8:00pm so all we really had time to do was sit in the hot-tub, but it felt Great.

Today was probably as good as yesterday and I'm happy to report that I think the one tone of ringing is still gone, although I'm afraid to listen too closely because I'm afraid if I do it will just start coming back.  Anyway... I'm a little nervous about the Dentist appointment tomorrow so wish me luck and a good night's sleep--or at least a nights sleep!

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